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Hotels in Bukhara

Bukhara is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia and the most important cultural and administrative center of the region. Being a real open-air museum, it has preserved a large number of architectural monuments of various eras, such as the Ark fortress - the city citadel and the residence of the Bukhara emirs, the Mausoleum of the Samanids, built at the end of the IX - beginning of the X century and the Lyab-i-Khauz architectural ensemble.
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Reikartz Bahor Bukhara

Ресурс 126 Luggage storage
Ресурс 101 Parking
Ресурс 19 Rooms
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Reikartz Modarixon Bukhara

Ресурс 101 Parking
Ресурс 19 Rooms
Ресурс 73 E-mail
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Being an architectural and historical reserve of Central Asia, the city with a centuries-old culture is famous for a large number of architectural and historical sights that must be visited. It is no coincidence that Bukhara is included in the list of the most popular tourist destinations in the region. The climate is warm and mild, thanks to which the city is open for visits all year round. A large number of entertainments are available here: bathhouses, bazaars, restaurants and various festivals. You can get to the city from the country capital both by plane and by high-speed train - Afrasiab.


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